Digital Product School – 4ος κύκλος

Το πρόγραμμα Digital Product School ( δέχεται αιτήσεις για τον τέταρτο κύκλο ο οποίος θα τρέξει από 02.05.2018 εως 27.07.2018. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε δείτε τα παρακάτω όπως αναγράφονταν στην πρόσκληση που μας έστειλαν καθώς και στο συνημμένο. Επιπλέον πληροφορίες για αυτό το πολύ ενδιαφέρον πρόγραμμα μπορείτε να ζητήσετε και από την Αναστασία Καλούδη Σίσκου (στο απόφοιτη του τμήματος που έχει συμμετάσχει στο παρελθόν.

Batch#4 starts on May 2 and lasts until July 27. Again we would like to give your students and graduates the possibility to work together with big companies from the mobility and technology sector and develop an innovative mobility solution in interdisciplinary teams. This teams contain four professions:
– Product Manager
– Interaction Designer
– Software Engineer
– Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Application is possible on
(continously, also for further batches)

We would be happy if you could inform your students, alumni and your network about this unique possibility and share this email or the attachment (PDF).

Additional information about DPS:

The Digital Product School is a free 3-month full-time education program by UnternehmerTUM GmbH which aims at educating the next generation of digital product makers. Software Developers, Artificial Intelligence Engineers, Product Managers and Interaction Designers work together in interdisciplinary teams, develop cutting edge digital products and get an intense coaching by internal and external coaches.

Our offer:
– 3-month full-time training program by UnternehmerTUM GmbH
– free participation + 750 EUR per month in grants
– access to the Munich’s start-up and tech scene
– modern campus located in the Highlight Towers in Munich
– intense training in agile working methods
– continuous coaching from internal and external experts
– learn to focus on user-centric product development

Runtime Batch#4: May 2 to July 27

Application on

Further information:
